
2005/07/21 23:36
Say "Congratulation" to me !!!!

ha ha ha...

Test Engineer Question

2005/07/20 16:14
The following is the question I was asked today for the test engineer position at FileNet. I'm not sure if my answer was correct or not. Anyway I attached my answer.

Let's assume there's a voice messaging system. What woud you do as a testing engineer?

1. I'll get function specs for the voice messaging system to know what are objects of the system.
2. List functions to be tested according to requirements.
3. Prepare test scenario and test cases for a function testing.
4. After unit testing I will perform integration test.
5. Perform load testing.
6. Research the unexpected user behavior and exceptions and test..

Of course, files the bugs and update them...etc.

손가락 다치다....

2005/07/20 15:45
어제 너무 더워서 비빔국수 해먹는다고,
신나게 양파를 채썰다가 손을 다쳤다.
강판에다가 손가락이 같이 슬라이스 될 뻔....-_-

조금만 더 늦게 멈췄으면 엄지손가락의 일부가 완전 잘려나갈 뻔했다.
당분간 설겆이는 민이가 해준단다...ㅋㅋ
나보고 일부러 다친 거 아니냐는 의혹을 날리지만...