검색 제출
Trackback Address :: http://www.lovelystory.com/cgi-bin/tb/trackback/372
Where are you? It has been a while since your last posting.
I'm nowhere. Kidding. :) Please be patient. I'll write postings soon.
ok... i'll Beeeeeee patient. my motto - good food, good conversation, be happy. ;-)
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Trackback Address :: http://www.lovelystory.com/cgi-bin/tb/trackback/371
ㅋㅋ...친구가 눈와서 학교 휴강이라구 저아하드랑.. 아 가고파라.. 여기두 낼 눈온대
아..나 이제 눈 지긋지긋한데..-_-
Trackback Address :: http://www.lovelystory.com/cgi-bin/tb/trackback/370
캬하하하하.. 맛난 고기집 알아놨삼. 얼렁 와. 캬캬
한국가면 살 너무 찔까봐 미리 걱정된다. -_-
Where are you? It has been a while since your last posting.
I'm nowhere. Kidding. :)
Please be patient. I'll write postings soon.
ok... i'll Beeeeeee patient.
my motto - good food, good conversation, be happy. ;-)